Breast Feeding

Breast feeding is all about a mommy and baby thing.only these two get related to it and baby is major concern during this procedures. Breast feeding differs in all momand child because it has various factors which goes around.

Duration: - It totally depends on the baby how much hungry he is and how many times a day does he need the feed. Initially there frequent  feeds but by the times the duration increase as the baby grows and does the hunger. 

Position:- Your baby comfort the way he is comfortable with you .while he likes crossover hold,football hold,side lying position ,cradle hold,laid back or any other position the main concern is to satisfy  the babies  need.

Hunger :-  How much milk a baby is required to satisfy is many times does a day will he require . The only source initially is moms feed that the baby is required .

Beneficial:-  Feeding is beneficial  for both baby and mother it helps the mother to loose the extra pounds she  got during  pregnancy and the babies  immunity  is boosted a lot of studies have  been conducted  and the baby who are bresstfeeded for longer have food immunity against diseases. 


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